2019年1月获复旦大学生物物理专业理学博士学位,2022年11月复旦大学化学生物学专业博后出站,2022年12月入职雷竞技RAYBET,主讲《药理学》《分子生物学》《细胞生物学》《计算机设计与基础》《制药工程基础实验》等课程。以第一作者、共同一作或通讯作者在《International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology》、《Molecules》、 《Biotechnology Letters》、《ONCOLOGY LETTERS》、《Translational Oncology》、《Protein Expression and Purification》、《Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology》等期刊发表论文多篇;授权发明专利1项;主持山东省青年基金项目1项,主持雷竞技RAYBET博士科研启动项目1项,参与科技部国家重点研发计划“蛋白质机器与生命过程调控”重点专项等项目研发。曾获第三届华东结构生物学大会优秀报告奖、吉凯生命科学奖学金、全国高校计算机能力挑战赛优秀指导老师等。
1.Qing-hua Yu#,Shu-yan Duan#, Xue-kun Xing#, Xin-ming Fan, Nan Zhang , Gui-yuan Song , Yong-jian Hu , Fei Wang , Tian-zhu Chao , Li-tao Wang , Ping Xu*(2024).Generation of a competing endogenous RNA network and validation of BNIP1 expression in the lung of irradiated mice.Translational Oncology.
2.Ning Fang, Lingyun Wu,Shuyan Duan* and Jixi Li*(2024).The Structural and Molecular Mechanisms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Translational Elongation Factor Proteins. Molecules.
3.Shuyan Duan*,YaoyaoWu,Tianzhu Chao,Nan Zhang,Zhaoyi Wei,Rui Ji*(2024).Improving the catalytic activity and thermostability of Aspergillus niger xylanase through computational design. Protein Expression and Purification.
4.S. Y. Duan*, X. S. Zhang , Y. Q. Yuan , S. Y. Jing , M. H. Qiao , and R. Ji*(2024).Improving the Thermostability and Catalytic Performance of the Bacillus subtilis Chitosanase BsCsn46A via Computational Design.Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology.
5.Shuyan Duan*, Nan Zhang, Tianzhu Chao, Yaoyao Wu, Mengying Wang* (2023). The structural and molecular mechanisms of type II PETases: a mini review. Biotechnology letters.
6.Shuyan Duan, Wenqing Gao, Zijun Chen , Zhengyang Li , Suhua Li , Jianhua Gan, Xiangjun Chen, Jixi Li* (2020). Crystal structure of human archease, a key cofactor of tRNA splicing ligase complex. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY.
7.Shuyan Duan, Zijun Chen , Zhengyang Li , Rui Ji, Jianhua Gan, Jixi Li*(2019). Purification and enzymatic characterization of the RNA ligase RTCB from Thermus thermophilus. Biotechnology letters.
8.Yun Yang, Ziyin Tian , Xinghua Zhao, Ya Li ,Shuyan Duan*(2020). A novel antitumor dithiocarbamate compound inhibits the EGFR/AKT signaling pathway and induces apoptosis in esophageal cancer cells. Oncology letters.
9. Kuang S, Zheng J, Yang H, Li S,Duan S, Shen Y, Ji C, Gan J, Xu XW, Li J* (2017). Structure insight of GSDMD reveals the basis of GSDMD autoinhibition in cell pyroptosis. PNAS.
3.徐萍;宋桂圆;王飞;于清华;张楠;段树燕;郭存洋;崔汶雯;王珍慧.一种靶向性竞争结合miR-20b的lncRNA MEG3及其在电离辐射中的应用. 2023108698913。